Available theses

Different thesis activities are available, both for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree levels.


  • Building of a LabVIEW interface for the control of a group of Laue lens modules joined together with an appropriate mechanical interface;
  • Long term stability study of glue based bonding for X-ray optics;
  • Reflectivity measurements of crystals for Laue lenses;
  • Development of a set-up for polarized X-ray measurements at LARIX;
  • Evaluation of the polarimetric capabilities of ASTENA and THESEUS.


  • Monte Carlo analysis of a double difraction system (Lobster Eye configuration) to increase the Field of View of a Laue lens;
  • Performance study of a Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) detector for Gamma-ray polarization measurements;
  • Performance analysis of samples of SILCs (Silicon Pore as Laue Components) – collaboration with Cosine Measurement System (Netherlands);
  • Evaluation of the polarimetric capabilities of ASTENA and THESEUS;
  • Study of the source localization accuracy of ASTENA/WFM and THESEUS/XGIS;
  • MEGAlib simulations of a CdTe or CZT position sensitive detector;
  • Feasibility study of a Laue lens based X and Gamma-ray polarimeter.

If you are interested in any of our thesis projects, contact us!

Prof. Piero Rosati: rosati@fe.infn.it
Lisa Ferro: lisa.ferro@unife.it
Miguel Moita: miguel.fernandesmoita@unife.it
Enrico Virgilli: enrico.virgilli@inaf.it